Monday, January 2, 2012

The Year 2012 in Preview

The Worldwide Tour 

My temporary online magazine The Weekly Affairs With ATNH is ranging from politics to economics to culture.

"The power to question is the basis of all human progress." - Indira Ghandi -

Courtesy of BBC

                                                            - Sebastian Mallaby -


<> The Republican primaries:

The Iowa caucuses: In the Hawkeye land of corn and soybean, the mindset of many Iowans wasn't beyond the farms sometimes. The state caucuses have been considered a closed door contest as the political establishment tries to ensure the Romney nomination.

In the Mitt Romney candidacy we see how far Mormonism, the fastest growing religion, has gone in term of reconciliating with other faiths in America. Other than that the Romney candidacy, groomed behind the protective wall, is almost clueless and lacking the real life bruises on the international affairs front. The Romney international experience with regard to the 2002 Olympics scandal was shameful. As chairman of the Salt Lake Olympics Committee Mitt Romney authorized the prostitution ring to accommodate the IOC members during their visit to then bidding Salt Lake City. In fact this whole prostitution thing was whitewashed by Romney himself - Source: Utah's then independent Deseret News newspaper.

The ramifications of the Romney nomination are Obama's 2nd term assured without a fight. For the record, several business propositions are awaiting Obama's 2nd term. Example: the direction of the U.S. energy: the individuals and entities controlling the oil, gas supply pipelines in the States want to sell oil directly to the Obama government in an era whereas other countries are moving into the renewables. A recipe for corruption: the proposed shale oil bill is in the works without regard of America's landscape.

The corruption spree has increased significantly during Obama's 1st term. From the bailouts to CEOs walking away with millions in daylight. Thieveries @ best.

This country is in a free fall and will continue to be.

Besides there is the conflict of interests in the Romney nomination, the Mormon economics would be disastrous in the 21st century America unable to withstand an economic sellout frenzy. A Romney presidency would result in the property and resource swaps across the country by the Mormons, whose business dealings considered intrusive. Example: Mitt Romney's Bain & Capital. I myself witnessed and experienced @ firsthand the Mormon intrusion in northern Nevada. With Romney as the Republican nominee, Obama's 2nd term is assured. And so I pray that pres. Obama will be victorious in the general, if Romney captures the Republican nomination.

Question: What is it that Romney is really after as he seeks the Republican nomination at all cost?

There are more than $100M awarded to the party nominee by the Federal Election Commission. Is this exactly what Romney is really after?

While most of Mormon men are among the worst in term of being two faced, back stabbing, etc., the only thing I'm interested in Mormonism is Mormon women and their giving. Beautiful women indeed, baby. Delicious too.

I am wondering, are the best things in American politics are still free these days? Free ride @ the expense of others. With Newt Gingrich and a strong running mate who is the president in waiting, the Republicans have the chance to upset the Democrats in the general.

Candidate Newt Gingrich should have pointed out the main reason why he is running. This is NOT about money. This is about the future of America, the country that we all love. I love the capitalism the right way and condemn the capitalism the wrong way. I utmostly would like to see an America prosperous and healthy domestically and be respected by many other countries abroad.

1/13 - Martin Luther King(MLK) 2012 

<> America celebrates MLK Day every year. Celebrate and talk all they want, the fact remains the same. There was racism, discrimination before during and after the MLK time. Racism and discrimination evidently exit and are alive in today's America. Don't have to look far, I, Anhtuan Nguyen Huynh, am the living testament of the American racism and discrimination. From the yesteryears' MLK I Have A Dream to today's Anhtuan Nguyen Huynh I Need A Wife, isn't it difficult to achieve, America?

<> The Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney whose Mormon religion prefers black people as creatures. Romney, are black people creatures? ask Romney this question in a debate. Romney said during the Iowa caucuses buildup: "We are going to win this thing." To Mitt Romney the Iowa caucuses and the Republican nomination are "this thing". The Mormon attitutes towards blacks over the years were evident and self explainatory. One Mormon admitted: "The sky will fall if the Mormon prophet is black." Quite frankly, I've never seen a religious fraction like Mormonism demonises the people of color. What's the matter?

Happy Birthday MLK!

1/6/12 - The latest Romney comedy: From 2 to 22 . Courtesy of the BBC

There is no greater sin than letting the so called 2 to 22 go unnoticed

Is Romney's Iowa win by 8 votes a fraud?

<> Newt Ginrich 2012: So far, Newt Gingrich has been conducting a wonderful, positive but uninspired campaign. The motto is, as long as we live we gotta be true to ourselves. Mistakes made sometimes, but we've always changed for the better. Newt Gingrich gotta fire himself up a bit. Be more inspirational, sensational for Christ's sake. The joke center: Newt is in need of some whiskey, wine.

I will be forever graceful if the GOP Magnificients of the 1994 GOP Revolution, Ohio's John Kasich New Mexico's Pete Domecini and many other key players of the '94, return to fight alongside Newt Gingrich one more time. More than 65% of the Republican nationwide would be there for Newt Gingrich if he can win South Carolina or/and Florida.

The game plan: the Southern bloc consisting of Florida and several southern primaries supports Newt Gingrich.

1/30 - Mormonism in America

                                                    "The Bible v. The Book of Mormon"

<>   Mormonism in America by the numbers    <>    Mormonism according to Grant Palmer

As the Mitt Romney candidacy advanced, I'd see the Mormon election mobility into several pivotal states. Pres. Obama and the Democrats would have a hard time to offset this trend. Many years have passed but the name of the game is still the same in the general: the turnout. One of the ramifications of a Romney presidency is a Mormon, Orin Hatch for instance, sitting on the US Supreme Court. Is this country ready for a Mormon Supreme Court Justice? I don't think so. It's NOT too late to defeat the Romney candidacy.

1/10 - The New Hampshire primary:

"Now, I know why this is the Granite State. It's so hard to crack. But that's why I love New Hampshire." Bob Dole in the '96 N.H.

<> The New Hampshire delegate count: 12. The state gives delegates to a candidate with a showing of at least 10%. Tonight's New Hampshire primary winner will get 8 delegates at the most. Otherwise, he gets 7 in the medium win. C'mon Newt Gingrich.

<> Remember this, Romney hi-jacked the Iowa caucuses, by 8 votes from behind, in the cold Iowa twilight. I wonder, will Iowa be in Obama's column in November? The current statistics have indicated so.

2/8 - Super Tuesday: Ohio

<> Strategy session: Yesterday's returns in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri have indicated that if Santorum's evangelical base and conservative vote are incorporated into Newt Gingrich candidacy or the other way around, Newt Gingrich's policies and ideas into Santorum candidacy, Mitt Romney will lose.

                                                Ohio Governor John Kasich

<> The People Theme is gonna be the new tone of the Newt Gingrich campaign:

1_The Help Me Help You Theme: Help Newt Win The Nomination Help You & Yours Prosper in The Years Ahead. In the would be Romney Obama matchup for the presidency Wall Street having their dogs on both sides in the fight for the U.S. presidency would set the country's priorities and the ordinary people of this country could be suppressed.

2_The 21st Century Contract with America: While the Mitt Romney coup d'etat in the Republican primaries reflected the worst characteristics of some on Wall Street to gain power, Newt Gingrich laid out the American blueprint for all in specifics: The 21st Century Contract with America

<> The role of the candidates' wives in the political process 

I've always had terrific admiration for the wives despite of differences and disagreement with their husbands. I'm sincerely hoping that one day there gonna be the LIVE debates between the wives of the party nominees. Let them fight.

Ann Romney: She is the fine campaigning asset to Mitt Romney and capable of organizing a town hall meeting for Mitt, etc,. The outlook: Ann Romney could redefine the role of Mormon women in a 21st century America.

Callista Gingrich: She has the resemblance of a barbie doll. Georgia's barbie doll indeed.
The joke center: On the recent campaign trail the old House Speaker sounded worse than the Radio Shack speaker. What's wrong? Gotta go out there and fight for Christ's sake.

3/8  <>  Midwestern and Southern Primaries and Caucuses: Kansas(3/10) - Alabama(3/13)

The gasoline prices, the domestic food comsumption and farming policy, and agricultural export policies, to name a few. The war of words between Newt Gingrich and pres. Obama escalated on the gasoline. Gotta explain to the public how the low gas prices will keep the communities around the country proper.

One of Newt Gingrich's Gas Themes: Pres. Obama shall not crucify the consumers upon the cross of gasoline.

Archive: Set aside the political differences and party affiliation William Bryan's Cross of Gold speech was considered one of the greatest political speeches in American history. Today we have Newt Gingrich's $2.50 gasoline speech comparable to William Bryan's Cross of Gold speech in the historic term. Newt Gingrich is smart and seeing what is ahead. Mitt Romney does NOT. Shame on Mitt Romney and his ignorant, arrogant bandwagoners around this country all in for Mitt Romney's money. The once grand Republican party is terrible these days and  has been reduced to rubbish with Mitt Romney as the party front runner.

Newt Gingrich, the gasoline candidate with good visions but almost dead last in the delegate count. Some drinks are needed. What is the matter with the old House Speaker these days?

The Fun Center: Mitt Romney pulled in the gas station where Newt Ginrich, the gasoline candidate, was touting his $2.50 a gallon. Mitt Romney was quick: "I saw the sign around the corner that said Georgia Barbie Doll and Newt Gingrich Invite You to The Energy Summit. I came to invest."

The upcoming midwestern and southern primaries and caucuses are Newt Gingrich's last chance in his quest for the nomination, after which Sheldon Adelson, Newt Gingrich's biggest donor, should reassess the Newt Gingrich funding. Newt Gingrich gotta sweep the remaining southern states.

2/28 <> Energy

Obama Administration's reticence on the domestic energy policy is understandable in an era where the prospect of an U.S. energy monopoly facilitated by some people controlling the domestic pipelines is increasingly real. Is one of Obama's weaknesses on display in the energy matter?
"You know we can't drill our way to lower gas prices" Pres. Obama 2/23 in Miami.

The question is, can the renewables and conventional energy sources co-exit in the U.S? Of course they can. In fact the competition in the private energy sector will drive down the prices.

1_ Electricity: The U.S. electricity comsumption ranks 2nd behind China. There are many forms of producing electrical power in the States: oil, coal, natural gas, wind, solar, etc.

The U.S. Outlook. Despite of Solyndra, the solar market isn't viable here but sunny. Example: California based The Solar Company

                                           Northern California's The Solar Company

2_Gas: the perspective courtesy of CS Monitor

One of my ladies has been worrying about the gas prices recently. What's wrong, baby? The magic word here is competitions, baby. Bioethanol, biodiesel and hydrogen  for example should be competing in the maintream market against the conventional gasoline. Increased production of bioethanol and biodiesel is essential, both of which are capable of meeting the demand for transportation fuels in the years ahead.



<> World's Commodities in Brief: Oil, Agricultural Commodities, Natural Gas
                                                                                                             - Source: Le Figaro -

3/11 - South Africa's chromite mining and export

1/11 <> A Britain outside the euro zone:

The Britain China currency alliance: If China unveils a new currency basket in the coming decade, the British pound and Chinese yuan will be the two main components. Given China is the powerhouse in the import and export term, despite of China's undervalued yuan and the course of the world economy uncertain, this Anglo Chino alliance aims at boosting the exports of British goods to the vast Chinese market.

3/11 - The impact of the worldwide carbon emissions regulations: A Johnson Matthey perspective

The UK based company Johnson Matthey headquartered in the town of Royston in Hertfordshire, England offers the good, quality products ranging from electronic devices, platinum group metals such as platinum, rhodium, to emissions control devices for the worldwide automobile industry.

Johnson Matthey PLC courtesy of Reuters.

1/24 <> Iran and the West: Fight time in the Strait of Hormuz?

Israel, Syria and Iran have been the major impact players in the Middle East theatre. While Israel doesn't have the stomach to strike Iran physically, Syria and Iran having survived the Arab Spring remain unsolved. The Western assertion to Iran's nuclear programme is like a girl telling the boyfriend, you can't have sex with another woman. Why not, baby.

After more than a decade of the Iraq war, it's oil distribution time beginning with the increased flow of oil via the Strait of Hormuz. Further, the EU is taking advantage of the situation by announcing the oil embargo at Iran expense. It would be passive for Iran to sit and watch the embargo taking effect. There is no need to close the Strait of Hormuz either. A strong Iran would take control of the current Middle East chess board. What would the next Iranian move be? The Iranian sinking of an oil tanker will trigger the naval standoff with the West. Is war imminent?

If America wants to be respected by many countries around the globe, she gotta fight on the international stage. In my estimation the West led war against Iran is very unlikely for many reasons, some of which can be describled below:

1 _ The war will bring the Arabs together.

2 _ The British hesitant to start the war with Iran: They don't want to risk the business partnership with Saudi Arabia, UK's biggest arms market in the Middle East.

Without Britain the American Democrat Pres. Obama doesn't have the stomach to start the war with Iran. Period. The joke center: America and Iran: Obama spaghetti w/ Admadinejad sauce

The Iran materials for the political entertainment: The Iran outbreak would play straight into the U.S. election circle. Obama's foreign policy is average during his 1st term. It's a chance for the young voters to experience and have a say in a real life international crisis. In the Republican primaries there would be the the major shift of young voters and the adult voting bloc interested in the international affairs from Rick Santorum and Ron Paul to Newt Gingrich. Newt Gingrich thrives on both domestic and international affairs.

Newt "Obelix" Gingrich is smiling. Candidate Mitt Romney is clueless on the international affairs front. The joke center: I, Anhtuan Nguyen Huynh, would like to tutor Mitt Romney in person on the international affairs. $15 an hour.

The British perspective

 1/30 - India: 2012 could be rocky for the Indian industry worldwide from Airtel Bharti, ACC Ltd & Grasim Industries, to Tatar Motors. The rising of oil, transportation, etc., is making the Indian made products uncompetitive worldwide. When the businesses aren't profitable, is it time to fight yet?

                                                        India's Agni 5 nuclear missile

The recent Indian lease of the nuclear submarine made in Russia indicated that India will seek the penetration of the vast Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea.

2/16  -  Middle East: Syria

                                                        - Little Syria in New York  USA -

Strategic Thinking: Why does Syria matter to the West?

The West, America and her allies, and the East, namely Russia & China, are @ the other again in the grand Middle East chess game. Russia and China are trying to maintain their influence in the region. After more than a decade of the Iraqi war, the US govt. and the West are seeking the combination of a post Assad era's Syria and Iraq at the expense of the Sunnis population in that region. The Western purpose of a latter Syria-conquered Iraq combo is to counter Iran in any shape or form in the latter years. Plain and simple. Further, the prospect of a Sunnis ethnic cleansing in the Middle East is unmistakable due to some Arab nations may seek to arm the Shiite opposition. Syria's Assad would continue to hold on power on the pretext of a Sunni unity in the Middle East. One of the chief beneficiaries of a Syria fall is Iraq with whom a friendly Syria can seek regional alliance. The joke center: Syrian pres. Assad addresses the western countries: "What's the matter, babies? I'd like to hold on the power for another decade."

1/5/12  -  EUROPEAN UNION @ the crossroads

<> Horizon 2020: is Europe's strategy for growth in the coming decade estimated @ approximately 80B euros. The European Union is seeking the endorsement of American Internet rivals Microsoft and Google for their 80B euro project.

1/16 - Germany Today: is Europe's largest economy expected to be in the top tier in the coming decades due to its manufacturing and engineering excellence.

In Brief: Part 1A, Part 1

Today's afternoon relaxation: the Hofmann sisters music

1/19 - Commercial Aviation: Making War in The Sky

As the euro zone countries develope themselves into becoming the United States of Europe, Airbus, a subsidiary of EADS, remains to be one of the European Union's most precious commodities.

                                                             Part 1

The Airbus Boeing war has been going on for years on both sides of the Atlantic and expected to heat up in the emerging Asian and Middle Eastern markets in the coming decades. The worldwide expenditures for commercial aircrafts continue to be up in 2012.

<> The Airbus annual presentation 

<> In Brief: Boeing Forecast

<> The Airbus Boeing dogfight, UFC style, is expected to be intensified in the coming years as the airlines worldwide seek to overhaul their aging fleet.

2/6 - AFRICA

Making A Difference: In an era where the African continent has been gradually becoming a Chinese development colony, the UNHCR administered, German funded program called DAFI(Deutsche Akademische Fluchtings Initiative) - The German Academic Refugee Initiative - determined the progress of young people there.

 To be continued.

 1/13 - OCEANIA

<> Australia: situated in the southern hemisphere, the Australian economy is projected to be in the 2nd tier in the coming decades behind the likes of South Korea, the Phillippines, Indonesia.

Australia's natural gas

For Australia to become the major player, the necessary changes must be implemented:

1/ The Aussie demographic must be expanded and diversified. One of the best ways to achieve this objective is through much more relaxing immigration policies.

2/ Seek the economic alliance with Britain. While Britain is capable of providing the expertise, Australia having been enjoyed strong ties with Britain over the years can become the economic heaven for British companies to operate and expand into the Asian markets. The current currency exchange rate favors the formation of the Britain Australia Economic Alliance.

3/ Encourage foreign investments.


                                                                Japanese Calligraphy

                                             @ Baku, Azerbaizan: Eurovision 2012
                                          Archive: '82 winner Nicole(Ger) - Ein bisschen Frieden
                                                                      - (A Little Peace) -

The joke center: Peace is boring, ma'am. Is the next Eurovision winning song gonna be Nuclear Dances?


2/21 <> World's best sea to air defense AEGIS BMD

     -  The late Ronald Reagan's SDI has become a reality in the sea based Aegis defense system -

The controversy: In an era whereas America is losing its economic powress to those Asian Tigers despite of the strength of its currency in Asia, it is America's attempt to neutralize Russia and China @ their doorsteps. The U.S. plan to install the Aegis system off the Korean island has faced the unprecedent resistance from the local population. Only a dozens of warships are equipped with the Aegis BMD technology. More will be needed. The Lockheed Martin Corp. stock recommended.

American actor Robert Redford: "The naval base would destroy the marine ecosyst."

The proposed naval base for aircraft carriers, submarines, etc. is scheduled to complete in 2015. The oceans are becoming the dance floor in many ways.

3/8  <>  Man Made Defences & Climate Change: The worldwide battles against nature

                                                    -  Holland's Maeslantkering -

One thing certain is that the sea levels will rise due to the effects of climate change and catastrophes such as flooding and high waves, etc. The rise of the sea took devastating toll in many coastal countries. In the States the Hurricane Katrina left the permanent scars in the Gulf Coast population. It's imperative that many coastal countries around the globe are equipped with adequate flood defences. Never underestimate the power of the seas.

To be continued.
Written by Anhtuan Nguyen Huynh, Reno, Nevada

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